We Choose

We Choose is our ministry plan—it provides a framework for our church to pursue spiritual health and advance God's Kingdom both within and outside of our local congregations. We believe our mission of making disciples is intertwined with serving our communities at home and the global church.

Greenville County Detention Center
Culturally Engaged

Developing Relationships Greenville County Detention Center

December 14, 2023

Over the past few years, we have been developing a relationship with the Greenville County Detention Center (GCDC). We desire to support those at the Detention Center in tangible ways and be a light to both staff and those incarcerated. Here are a few ways we have sought to provide encouragement and connection.

Carolina High
Culturally Engaged

Carolina High School Supporting Students

December 12, 2023

Over the past few years, our Downtown campus has developed a partnership with Carolina High School, which has a poverty index of over 88%, one of the highest in the state of South Carolina for high schools. One way we have supported these students is by helping to provide meals for athletes before their games.

costa rica students 2023
Culturally Engaged

Costa Rica Mission Trip

December 7, 2023

Over Thanksgiving break, a team of 16 students and 9 leaders from across several campuses served on a mission trip to Costa Rica! In partnership with Filter of Hope, they delivered water filters to members of the local community so they can have clean water.

Faithfully Gathered

Get to Know Grace Staff

December 4, 2023

We have staff members in both campus staff and central staff roles all over the Upstate! We want you to get to know some of them as you stay updated with what’s happening at Grace Church.

Matt Kelley
Faithfully Gathered

Campus Updates

November 29, 2023

Grace Church is a family of local congregations, and while our campuses share common teaching, resources, leader training, and more, each local body is unique. We believe discipleship flourishes in proximity, and each of our campuses are also able to tailor both their discipleship and outreach to the needs of the local community.

Stephen Carvalho baptism
Ministry Focused

re:generation Stephen's Story

November 22, 2023

When Stephen Carvalho moved to the United States from India in 2019, he drifted away from church, even though he’d grown up in a Christian family. In 2023, he decided it was time to find a local church, and he landed at Grace Church’s Spartanburg campus.

Adam D'Angelo Front Porch Missional Resident
Culturally Engaged

Front Porch Housing Adam's Story

November 20, 2023

One facet of Front Porch Housing that makes it a unique supportive community is the presence of missional residents. These residents are living at Front Porch for the express purpose of providing a stable presence, encouraging and getting to know residents, and being active participants in the community.

Downtown Outreach Fair
Culturally Engaged

Grace Church Downtown Outreach Fair

November 15, 2023

One of our core values is being Culturally Engaged, and the primary way we live that out is through both international and local partnerships. Recently, our Downtown campus hosted an Outreach Fair for their members to connect with local organizations that serve the vulnerable and under-resourced in our community.

Nicaragua Fall 23
Culturally Engaged

Nicaragua Partnering with Local Churches

November 8, 2023

Grace Church has been partnering with local churches and ministry leaders in Nicaragua since 2003. Teams have supported and equipped our partners through medical camps, education-related training and resources, children’s ministry, and theological training for pastors and leaders.