Sermon Series View


Since the beginning of humanity, evil forces have been at work, and God’s people have suffered persecution and corruption. Yet the Church endures—nothing can extinguish its light. And a day is coming when God’s plan will come to fruition. Jesus will return and deal with all sin and brokenness for good. As we explore the book of Revelation, we cast our eyes to King Jesus, who has the power to triumph over evil and usher in a Kingdom of everlasting peace and glory.

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Revelation Series Graphic

A Prophetic Witness

In the midst of God’s judgment, John observes the powerful witness of God’s people. Their message is consuming; however, there is a time when all …

Bill White

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Revelation Series Graphic

Judgments on the Earth

Chapters 6–9 of Revelation introduce a long and terrible period of God’s judgment—The‬ ‭ Great Tribulation—during which God will pour out his wrath against the …

Matt Williams

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Revelation Series Graphic

Worthy is the Lamb

This passage paints a glorious picture of God on his throne, surrounded by other-worldly creatures responding in worship. God’s kingship should also touch every facet …

Blake Payne

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

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A Call to Zeal

The church at Laodicea lacks self-awareness. They believe they are in a good position, but Jesus is clear that they are worthy of pity. In …

Bill White

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director


Self Made Series Q&A

After wrapping up our teaching series on Self Made, we sat down with series co-creators Haley Barinowski, Scofield Foster, and Blake Payne to ask some …

Scott Mozingo

Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity
