Saul's Jealousy and David's Success

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
Saul is on the decline, and David is on the rise. While it is obvious that God is with David in whatever he does, Saul becomes increasingly fearful and jealous, attempting to hold tightly to his power, kingship, and recognition. As Jonathan humbly chooses to align himself with God and hand over his royalty to David, Saul continues to self-protect and find his value in his role of king.
Study Questions
Saul is on the decline, and David is on the rise. While it is obvious that God is with David in whatever he does, Saul becomes increasingly fearful and jealous, attempting to hold tightly to his power, kingship, and recognition. As Jonathan humbly chooses to align himself with God and hand over his royalty to David, Saul continues to self-protect and find his value in his role of king.Application
Consider where you are in the story:
- “David-like” - What blessing or good thing have you been given? How are you able to be open-handed with it?
- “Saul-like” - What desires do you have that may go beyond what God might have for you? Why do you cling to them?
- “Jonathan-like” - What choice do you need to make to choose God’s way over jealousy or fear? What does humility look like in that situation?
Once again, we see that David’s soul has been cultivated alone in the fields for so long that he is steady and unphased with changing circumstances. Have you seen this be true in your own life? Where do you have an opportunity now to cultivate your soul? What does that look like?
Read James 4:4-10. What does it mean to humble yourself before God? Where in your life do you need to humble yourself? What step can you take now?
Key Points
Jonathan humbly forfeits his right to a kingly inheritance because he knows that God has given it to David.
Saul turns a blind eye to God’s power in David’s life and continues to possessively and obsessively cling to his own power and recognition.
David’s outward circumstances have changed, but there is something that has been so cultivated in his soul when he was alone in the fields that he is unphased.
The first sign of humility is realizing you are not in charge of your future, you are not God, and that he will raise you up when he wants. Just do what is in front of you.
God humbled Saul because he did not humble himself. David and Jonathan humble themselves and align with God.
Whatever God has given you is still not yours; it is his. Be open-handed.