Encountering Another Realm

Pelham Associate Campus Minister
In this passage, Daniel is visited by a messenger from God—this experience overwhelms him as he is already in mourning for the plight of his people. However, God’s message is one of comfort and affirmation, giving Daniel strength and life for what lies ahead of him.
Study Questions
In this passage, Daniel is visited by a messenger from God—this experience overwhelms him as he is already in mourning for the plight of his people. However, God’s message is one of comfort and affirmation, giving Daniel strength and life for what lies ahead of him.Application
Daniel is committed to forgoing some lesser things in his life so he can receive something greater from God. As you reflect on the past year, how can you create space to receive what God has for you? What do you need to consider giving up?
Many of us spend our lives working and searching for value from others. What does it look like to begin from the truth that we are valuable to God and allowing that reality to move you forward?
The idea that there are beings at war in supernatural realms can be overwhelming. How should this reality affect the way we think about God and ourselves?
Key Points
Through the rise and fall of many kings, Daniel has remained faithful to God and is therefore relevant even in his old age. We also should be faithful in the short term so we can remain relevant in the long term.
As Daniel mourns the plight of his people, he has a terrifying vision of an angel. This suffering produces a sense of need and dependence.
When Daniel is overwhelmed with his need, he gives up earthly comforts to create space for God to fill him. In the same way, we should be intentional about making space in our lives for God to meet our needs.
The angel affirms Daniel’s worth and value to God. Then, he begins from a place of value and it gives him life for the work he needs to do.
When we seek affirmation from the world, it sends us into an endless cycle of work. But we are not precious to God because of our performance; we can allow the value we have in God to strengthen us to perform.
God is working in realms beyond our comprehension. This reality should humble us—we are small in the face of something great and mighty.