The God of Wisdom and Revelation

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
When the wise men of Babylon cannot reveal Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, there are dire consequences for all. However, Daniel acts with wisdom and discretion. He is willing to make himself vulnerable, step into the gap, and allow God to work through him no matter the outcome.
Study Questions
When the wise men of Babylon cannot reveal Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, there are dire consequences for all. However, Daniel acts with wisdom and discretion. He is willing to make himself vulnerable, step into the gap, and allow God to work through him no matter the outcome.Application
We develop wisdom and discretion through knowing God’s Word, being in fellowship with other believers, and acting on what God tells us to do. In which of these three areas do you need to grow? What steps should you take to cultivate wisdom and discretion?
Daniel was willing to stand up for God on his terms no matter the outcome. Have you ever had to make yourself vulnerable in a challenging situation? What kind of relationship with God is necessary to be able to take a stand when you don’t know what the outcome will be?
God is sovereign even when it’s not clear to us, he knows and understands all things—even those contrary to his nature, and he hears our cries. Which of these truths is most challenging for you to embrace? Why do you think that is the case?
Key Points
If God’s people are going to live in exile and prevail, they need wisdom and discretion. These qualities are developed over a long period of time and require discipline.
Wisdom comes from knowing and thinking through the truth, being in fellowship with other believers, and acting on what God tells you to do.
Both the pagan wise men and Daniel know that only God can reveal Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. However, unlike the pagans, Daniel has access to his God.
In challenging moments, we should be willing to make ourselves vulnerable, step into the gap, and allow God to use us on his terms.
Believers can rest in these truths about God: he is sovereign even when it may not appear that way, he knows and understands all things—even those contrary to his nature, and he hears our cries.