


Daniel 1920 x 1080


Imagine being taken from your home, brought to a hostile land, and forced to serve a foreign government. As Daniel and his companions learn what …

Ecclesiastes Background


All of life is a rich gift from God—both the good and the hard things. So why do we struggle to find contentment? Why do …

Pentecost Series Header

Pentecost 2022

We have not historically celebrated Pentecost as a church. However, it's an important Christian tradition that points us towards the transforming power of the Holy …

Acts of the Apostles


In the book of Acts, Luke records the compelling narrative of the early Church. The risen King Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to dwell among …



In his epistle to the Romans, Paul writes a detailed explanation of the gospel to a church divided by cultural tensions. The Jews and Gentiles …

We Choose

We Choose

We Choose is our ministry plan featuring discipleship efforts within our church and outreach efforts to our community. It is a strategic way to budget, …



Nehemiah is a man caught between two worlds. In the vast and affluent Persian empire, he has status and influence. As an Israelite, his people …



What does it mean to be created by God? In our culture, we don’t often view ourselves as created beings. Instead, personal choice, autonomy, and …

2 Corinthians Banner

2 Corinthians

Six years, two visits, and two letters after planting the church at Corinth, Paul writes once more to his spiritual children with a message of …

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