Living a Small Life
The book of Ecclesiastes tells us that all of life is a gift from God—both the good and the hard things. So why is it so difficult for us to find contentment in this life? We often find ourselves striving to achieve the unachievable and worrying about things we will never be able to control. So why do we continually pursue what we know will end up leaving us empty? Relationships, friendships, perfect grades, successful careers, being the best athlete, and popularity. Placing our hope in these things is nothing but meaningless.
Throughout this study, we will navigate the tension between the meaninglessness of life and God’s good gift of enjoying life. As we seek to find meaning and value, Scripture tells us the best thing we can do is fear the Lord and obey his commands. We will look at our attitudes towards work, how we view ourselves, and the way we interact with other believers. Living a small life is not easy—it requires self-discipline to humble yourself and live in hope that God will one day make all things right.