Death Swallowed Up

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
Understanding God’s sovereignty over death means that we can trust him with the difficult questions. The pain of loss is hardly removed, but there is peace to be found in trusting that God is always far ahead of us in compassion. He does not answer all of our questions but instead came himself to suffer and die, and in this we find that he is trustworthy. Finally, the reality of death must impact the way we live today. Even the most noble of interests, such as family, can distract our focus from that which truly matters. And yet it is death, the thing that appears to take everything away from us, which fixes our eyes upon our final salvation in Jesus Christ and ultimately leads us into his presence.
Understanding God’s sovereignty over death means that we can trust him with the difficult questions. The pain of loss is hardly removed, but there is peace to be found in trusting that God is always far ahead of us in compassion. He does not answer all of our questions but instead came himself to suffer and die, and in this we find that he is trustworthy. Finally, the reality of death must impact the way we live today. Even the most noble of interests, such as family, can distract our focus from that which truly matters. And yet it is death, the thing that appears to take everything away from us, which fixes our eyes upon our final salvation in Jesus Christ and ultimately leads us into his presence.