Boldly I Approach the Throne
This week, students learn about the access we have to God through Jesus. We don’t have to hide in our sin, but instead can come …

Spartanburg Students Director
This week, students learn about the access we have to God through Jesus. We don’t have to hide in our sin, but instead can come …
Spartanburg Students Director
God gives us hope for greatness in his kingdom, but often we strive to achieve greatness in this world. Because we are made in God’s …
We often compare our sin to the sins of those around us, and we tend to create a standard for our sin that appeases our …
Pelham Associate Campus Minister
Last week, we learned about needing a payment for our sins. This week, we learn how our sins have been paid for through Jesus in …
God is just. Because of our sin, there needs to be payment. God has provided his Son to take the punishment of our sin by …
Spartanburg Students Director
We live in a culture that promotes self-care and self-love, but focusing only on ourselves isn’t what God wants for his people. You can either …
We have been created to seek approval from God, but often find ourselves living separate lives as we seek approval from others. However, God is …
Pelham Associate Campus Minister
This week, we learn that God is loving, compassionate, merciful, patient, faithful, forgiving, and just. We also learn about how he cares about us.
This week through the story of Joseph, we learn how our faith in God should be constant no matter the circumstances.
Spartanburg Students Director
Money is a necessity for life, but often becomes the thing that drives us instead of God. You can’t truly serve God if money is …
Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
This new series introduces God as our Creator. Because of the fall, not everything is as he intended it to be. This world is now …
God is exclusive. We will know we love Jesus and are following him by how we die to the things we hold dear.
Pelham Associate Campus Minister
We’ve all tasted, experienced, and felt love. We crave it. But what if we could truly experience love from the source? God is love. Love …
Downtown Campus Pastor
This week, we examine who we choose to hang out with. We need to be wise and discerning about who we allow to influence us, …
Pelham Students (9th-12th)
This week, we learn about the importance of having healthy relationships with the opposite gender. These relationships allow you to experience more of God and …
We live in a world that equates love with acceptance and affirmation. As a result, most of the world lives as a peace faker. God …
Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups
This week, we learn about how powerful our words are and the impact they can have in both positive and negative ways. It is important …
Pelham Students (9th-12th)
We all have the desire for love and affirmation. These desires are given by God and can only be found in him. Until we learn …
Downtown Campus Pastor
We live in a world where romance is an idol. We worship love and believe it will complete us. Instead, we need to find satisfaction …
Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups
This week, we learn that we are wired to worship. In fact, the approval of others often dictates how we live. What would it look …
As friends, we are to support others and make them better through our relationships with them. This happens through our loyalty, sharpening, and sacrifice. Friendship …
Pelham Students (9th-12th)
It is easy to claim that you love Jesus, but how do you know? In John 14, Jesus says those who accept and obey his …
Downtown Campus Pastor
As we start our “Friendships or Sinks” series, we are going to talk about our friendships in life and how we have the tendency to …
The idea of love is a predominant theme throughout all of Scripture. Though the topic seems straightforward, the definition of love has certainly changed over …
Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups
We tend to be thoughtless when it comes to dating. We make decisions based on feelings and look at everyone around us to see what …
We believe that sex is a good gift given to us by God to be enjoyed in the covenant relationship of marriage. The goal for …
We need to have a holy view of sex because sex is a good gift given to us by God to be enjoyed in the …
Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups
When viewed through a cultural lens, dating is flawed and shallow. When we pursue God with our relationships and aim to honor him, he will …
HR Administrator
This week, we talk about gender and challenge our students to think critically about what our culture says versus what we, as believers, should think …
Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups
As the Creator, God made us male and female in his image. He is in charge and defines how we should think about gender. A …
Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups
Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
This week, we wrap up our Colossians: Fresh Vibes series. God wants to use you in everything you do—not as a fake, hidden person, but …
Spartanburg Campus Pastor
This week, we learn that we are created for the Creator. We exist for a relationship with God himself. Sin separates and cuts us off …
Downtown Campus Pastor
This week, we explore Colossians 3. In this passage, we learn that if we proclaim to be Christians, we should be growing closer to God, …
This week, we learn about how everything we have is a gift from God. Since there is a God and I am not him, he …
This week, we explore the idea that we can often be distracted by the temporary pleasures this world has to offer. This can cause us …
Spartanburg Campus Pastor
This week, we learn about how God’s family members serve one another and others as they trust and obey him. He’s made us to be …
Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
This week, we learn about how we are given new life when we put our faith in Jesus to pay for our sins. We are …
Downtown Campus Pastor
Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
Is Jesus really your King? If so, “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith …
This series is designed to show our students a different, fresh, and better way to live. Week one's teaching is focused on the supremacy of …
Spartanburg Campus Pastor
We are dead because of our sins. God gives us new life when we believe in him. Our lives should display fruit as evidence that …
Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups
This week, we unpack how we are fundamentally broken and that we have confirmed over and over again the choices Adam and Eve made in …
In this series, we dive into the truth that there is a God and we are not him. This week we focus on the fact …
Downtown Campus Pastor
Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups
Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups
Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups
Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups