
Taylors Discipleship & Groups & Students

Week 5
As we end our time in the book of Daniel, we look back over the life of Daniel and see how he had Courageous Faith, …

Spartanburg Students Director

Week 1
God does gives us more than we can handle so we learn to depend on Him.

HR Administrator

Week 2
Following our hearts will leave us empty, Following Jesus is what leads to a rich and fulfilling life.

Taylors Discipleship & Groups & Students

Week 3
The myth that our lives get easier once we’re saved doesn’t take into account that pursuing God means that we’re going to be going against …

Spartanburg Students Director

Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups

This week, we begin our new teaching series in David. Zach will be talking to us about how David had a lot of insecurities. We …

Pointless Jealousy
This week, Brandon continues our David series talking about the jealousy Saul has towards David. As students consider times that they have been jealous of …

Spartanburg Students Director

Responding to Difficult Moments
This week in 24Seven, we are starting our new series in James. Students will learn about how we often respond to troubles and how God …

Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups

Real Faith
This week, we learn what it means to a hearer of the Word and what it means to be a doer. Our lives should show …

HR Administrator

Playing Favorites
God has uniquely created each and every one of us. We can often take those differences for granted and reject those who are different from …

Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups

Taming the Tongue
This week, we are finishing our series in James by learning what the Bible says about controlling our tongues. We can use them either as …

HR Administrator

Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups

Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups

Week 1
How does the fear of failure hinder you from living the life God desires and what lies does it fuel in you?

Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups

Week 2
Our fear of man holds us back from spreading the Gospel and representing Christ.

Spartanburg Students Director

Week 3
What would your life look like if you weren’t ruled by fear? It would be marked by power, love, and self-discipline.

Iglesia Gracia Campus Pastor

Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups

Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups

Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups

Partial Obedience
As we begin our new series in Judges, we see the vicious cycle that takes place in Israel. We will see how Israel is only …

Pelham Students (9th-12th)

The Vicious Cycle
We all struggle with proud unbelief, thinking we know better than God. That pride fuels our sin, but humble faith and repentance break the cycles …

Central Students Advisor; Central Internship & Residency

The Story of Ehud
God allows the consequences of sin to hit us because he loves us and wants to teach us that sin is a terrible master. As …

Downtown Campus Pastor

Taking a Step of Obedience
As we read the story of Deborah and Barak, we find that God has something in store for our lives. We may feel frustrated and …

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

Living in Dependence
We think that we can handle control over our own lives, but Judges shows us that we do not. We reject God as our authority …

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

Pelham Discipleship & Groups; Central Care & Recovery

Iglesia Gracia Discipleship & Groups & Students

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Pelham Discipleship & Groups; Central Care & Recovery

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Recovery—Serving Others Because of Jesus' Love
We all have similar stories—drugs, jail, alcohol. And then these people come in, all these volunteers, and they just love you. They come in and …

Seeking God in Tragic Circumstances
"Just because you have a relationship with Christ doesn't mean your life is going to be great. Coming to the Lord doesn't mean you're going …

Grace Housing—Seeing God's Provision
"We are flooded with more than we could ask for. The ability to both disciple the volunteers and learn myself what God has for us …

Grace Housing—Community and Healing
"God has used people, re:gen, biblical community to help me surrender to him. I've had such a fear and lack of trust of people, that …

Finding Jesus in the Midst of Tragedy
"God was showing me that if I had nothing else but him, it would still be enough. . . . I really had no other …

Pouring Out God's Love Through Adoption
"The Lord uses his people to love on other people, and what a privilege that is that we get to be a part of what …

Serving in the Face of Disruption
"It's so disruptive to go and serve, but that's what we're called to do. If I know that we're supposed to be serving and I'm …

Re:gen—Life Change through Brokenness
"I joined re:gen for one reason, but God of course had a different reason—a much deeper reason—for me to go. . . . The thing …

Learning in Community
"It's way easier for me to work on managing the fruit rather than digging down deep to figure out the root causes of that fruit. …

The Gift of Godly Friendship
"When you start to dig down and scratch off the layers, we have so much in common and we're so alike. . . . When …

Grace Housing Volunteer | Apartment Setup
“It’s not just stuff thrown together. Residents provide preferences, and we try to make it unique to them. That’s what makes it really fun—trying to …

Grace Housing Volunteer | Dental Work
“I feel like it’s an outlet for what the Lord has called us to do—loving people. It’s so easy to do it, and it’s just …

Grace Church Housing | Current Resident
“I didn’t know anything like Grace Housing existed. It is literally life changing. You don’t have to do it alone. They’ll love you till you …

Grace Church Housing | Former Resident
Grace did an excellent job of stepping into a messy situation with me and walking me through this process. They’re adamant about not letting their …

Showing Jesus' Love Through Families Count
"We're not there be the one to fix anything, but it's to point them to Jesus, who is the Rescuer. It's not about what we …

A Life Transformed by Jesus
"I can remember specifically when I fully gave my life away to Jesus. It's amazing to seen the turnaround in 18 months. It's nothing that …

Learning Humility Through Missions
"I knew that I was going to have to take a humble posture. . . . This tension built throughout the week—this underlying understanding that …

Front Porch Housing | Volunteer Career Counseling Taskforce
A team of career professionals band together to assist residents as they work to reenter the workforce.

Grace Church Housing | Former Resident Ashley Cheek
"It was unbelievable the love and support that they were giving to a complete stranger. It was a type of love I didn’t think was …

Overcoming Trauma and Depression through the Power of the Holy Spirit
"Now that I've met Jesus in a different way, I can deal with the shame and the guilt knowing that he's taken all that to …

A New Life in Jesus
God has healed so many wounds I had. Two of the most important things I’ve learned are how to love and serve my Lord. And …

Mosaic Inspire—Belonging and Purpose
Before they discovered Mosaic Inspire, both Morgan and Joni struggled with isolation and lack of community. This program fulfilled many needs for their family: a …

Trusting God through Suffering
What does it look like to trust the Lord in this life when he might allow us to endure really painful things?

Stephanie Clarey shares how serving in the church in a new and disruptive season taught her about her individuality and giftings and how it can …

Womens Lead

Asking the Holy Spirit for Help in Leadership
Cindy Watters shares how God used Biblical Femininity to change and teach her. Now as she leads studies, she shares how she has to rely …

Serving—Overcoming Fear of Inadequacy
"God is constantly reminding me and putting me in situations where I don't feel equipped, and I've learned that that is a great thing for …

Promise of the Spirit
As Luke begins the book of Acts, he focuses on Jesus, the Risen King, who calls his disciples to move forward on his mission to …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Birth of the Church
In this passage, we see the birth of the Church, which from its inception is an international movement. As God sends his Spirit to dwell …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Faith, Healing, and Repentance
Peter and John begin the work of the early Church—healing in Jesus’ name and preaching the gospel. Their actions draw the attention of many, and …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Obeying God Rather than Men
In this passage, Peter and John face persecution for healing and preaching in Jesus’ name. Even in the face of resistance, they calmly speak God’s …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Ananias and Sapphira
The early church faces both corruption from within and opposition from without. However, God uses both of these challenges to build and purify his church, …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Build the Church
When the early church faces tension and division due to rapid growth, the apostles raise up leaders and put structures in place to address the …

Downtown Campus Pastor

When faced with persecution from Jewish leaders, Stephen seizes the opportunity to share the gospel. While his fearless love results in death, his sacrifice ignites …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Responses to the Gospel
After Stephen is stoned, the persecution of the church intensifies, and the gospel begins to spread throughout the world. Like Simon, some hear it, respond …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Saul's Conversion
In this passage, we see Jesus pursue and invade the very man who has been violently persecuting the Church. After Saul encounters Christ and is …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

What God has Made Clean
Through the obedience of both Cornelius and Peter, God advances his mission to bring people from all nations to himself through the power of the …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Opposition and Deliverance
As the early church continues to grow, including people from all nations, persecution continues. Peter is imprisoned, fellow believers intercede on his behalf, and he …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

First Missionary Journey
When Paul and Barnabas embark on the first missionary journey, they encounter acceptance and rejection. And as the gospel takes root and spreads to both …

Council at Jerusalem
As the church at Antioch grows, they face growing tension between Jews and Gentiles. Leaders meet at Jerusalem to work through the issue, and they …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Second Missionary Journey Begins
The beginning of the second missionary journey is marked by tension between Paul and Barnabus. However, they are not hindered by their disagreement, and God’s …

Pelham Discipleship & Groups; Central Care & Recovery

Responses to the Gospel (Thessalonians & Bereans)
As Paul and Silas continue to travel and preach the gospel to both Jews and Gentiles, they meet mixed responses. Some immediately receive the gospel …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Paul at Athens
In Athens, Paul preaches the gospel to a group of people from a radically different context. Yet even apart from the backdrop of Judaism, the …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Third Missionary Journey
During Paul’s third missionary journey, God uses good leadership, miracles, and disruption to advance his kingdom. In his mercy, God meets the Ephesians where they …

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

Paul with the Ephesian Elders
As Paul bids farewell to the elders at Ephesus, he both charges them to continue the work of spreading the gospel and entrusts them with …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Paul's Persecution and Arrest in Jerusalem
In this dramatic passage, Paul deals with tension with the Gentile believers as he goes to Jerusalem, where he will be beaten and arrested. However, …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Paul's Story, Rejection, and the Plot to Kill Him
Paul’s experience continues to be rife with tension and suffering. However, he is committed to sharing his story and advancing the gospel. We also should …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Proclaiming the Gospel in Chains
Paul faces trials by various Roman officials and spends two years in jail. However, he remains determined to share the gospel and the story of …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Preserved for a Purpose
Paul sets sail for Rome, weathers a dangerous storm, and is eventually shipwrecked. However, because God’s favor is upon him, that blessing extends to all …

Easter: Road to Emmaus
The days following Jesus' death are full of confusion for his followers. In this passage, we see two of his disciples grapple with unmet expectations, …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Church Reimagined: Family of God
Many of us have church wounds or negative preconceived ideas of church. However, the local church is an expression of the reality that all believers …

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

Church Reimagined: Body of Christ
The Church is the body of Christ—his presence and ministry on earth. While we all have diverse gifts, we are united through and humbled by …

Downtown Campus Pastor

At the time of the early Church, Pentecost was a Jewish holiday—a harvest festival celebrating God’s faithfulness. While Jews gathered to celebrate Pentecost after Jesus' …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director